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Vol. 1, No. 1 CONFRONTATION The Journal of the Trompler Foundation (PUNFS) -- LINK PENNDRLS NOT ACTIVE With the advent of BitNet and Stu's student number larceny, many predicted that telecommunications had finally triumphed over Snail Mail, and CONFRONTATION would go the way of the brontosaurus, the dodo, the eohippus and the Vatican: from archaism, to quaintness, to Camp, to extinction. As the infamous Journal of the Trompler Founda- tion was rather Camp to begin with, its early demise was seen as a for- gone conclusion. This was not to be. Despite masterful proficiency with the various systems involved, it soon became apparent that inter-Bandito communication was subject to the whimsy of the scores of notorious sysops and technophiles that maintain the precarious balance of links, nodes and junctions that con- stitute the monolithic BitNet. "Bad link ju-ju" became a commonplace phenomenon, and the once-lucid realm of trans-continental electronic communication sank into the Stygian blackness of primordial mysticism. Out of this penumbra comes your fearless scribe, like Diogenes, holding aloft the Lantern of Treason, propelled by the need to update y'all on the many doings in the Hundred-Acre Wood. As we settle into our post Spring-Break alienation and look longingly towards June (the evil people in semester schools don't count), CONFRONTATION continues in its mission to maintain contact between Foundation personnel, so that, unlike Tigger, we won't run from our own reflections. Mary's Peak Update It's still there. Operation: Age of Bavaria The Foundation Board of Directors has decided to send an opera- tive to investigate various sites of strategic import within the mysti- cal lands of Bavaria and Switzerland. The unanimous choice was the state-of-the-art Nexus 10 KruppBandito, codename "Brent". Insertion operation will commence on Midsummer's Eve. Information will be relayed to Foundation personnel via pirated ESA comsat, using ETH Bit- Net node as backup. Foundation technicians have fabricated a German vox program for this operation, employing data on Southern German and Swiss dialects as graciously provided by Carrol Pohl. Preliminary reports on the progress of this operation will made available when pos- sible. Errata and Addenda As the Foundation Diaspora continues to writhe and spasm across the continent, it becomes increasingly difficult to reach a given oper- ative. As the last Personnel Directory was compiled in September (!) and in a less than relaxed environment, it has become necessary to once again issue an Order of Battle, combining pertinent information with a personal profile/character assassination. As always, the Found- ation takes no responsibility for either the accuracy of the following information or the use to which said information is put. Of course, evil suggestions ARE available; contact your shameless scribe at your leisure. That being said, it's time to meet the meat... KRUPP, BRENT -- Young Master Eddie is still at Rentsler, Rensalar, Ren- tzylare, RPI, although in May he will be returning to Wintermute Labs in Redmond for final outfitting before he leaves for the Continent. He may be reached at Room 328 Ricketts E, Russell Sage College, Troy NY, 12180; phone (518) 273-1344; account # USERFN90@RPISMTS. PNW address will be forthcoming. HINSHAW, SHERI -- After two quarters at summer camp, er, TESC, Lysis- trata seems to have found some redemption in higher education. Some people never learn. Shere is also the first Foundation operative to introduce indigenous population to Foundation circles on a scale above individuals. After close contact with Foundation personell, a Founda- tion Advisory has been placed on the TESC campus, as said population, known affectionately as "the Greener Gaggle", is lucid and dangerous. Be advised that they have been known to migrate indefinitely, and as Sheri knows the locations of all Foundation residences, an invasion of moss-covered Banditios is possible. Any ameliorations may be sent to TESC, C304, Olympia WA 98505. Sheri has managed to avoid such trap- pings of patriarchal technocracy as telephones, but one MAY reach her via the dorm phone (866-6000, ask for Ext. 6374, then ask for "the militant feminist bitch from hell wannabe in 304."). Granting a little telecommunications treason, Sheri may yeat have a UWAV1 account. The number will be made available when possible. MARSHALL, ANNE -- Despite a recent alteration in plumage, Anne can still be found in the depths of "that women's college". She too will be returning to the PNW in May, lodging at Alpha Complex. Her address in Quakerland is Bryn Mawr College, C-170, Bryn Mawr PA, 19010; phone (215) 645-5048; account # AMARSH@BRYNMAWR. HAMMOND, MARGARET -- Peggy remains at TESC, although no she exhibits no signs of moss (yet). Remind her of her summer camp experiences with a letter to TESC, F207, Olympia WA, 98505. The phone number of her yuppie-like dorm is 866-8672. MURPHY, BRIAN -- Brian is still laboring at BHS, providing current int- elligence on doings at the ol' Alma Mutter. Foundation personnel are encouraged to drop by Brian's place, any time of the day or night, and introduce some entropy into the his life. He can be found at 11065 SE Lake Rd, Bellevue WS, 98004, and crank calls are directed to 453-5794. Account # MILAMBER@UWAV4. FINKELSTEIN, AARON -- Aaron's migratory patterns are one of the lead- ing validations of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It is beyond this scribe to keep current. As another upheaval is imminent, read- ers are cautioned that this information may be obsolete. Next best guess is somewhere in Annapolis, MD. As of this scrawling, Aaron's address us 4225 11th NE #106B, Seattle WA, 98105, and his phone number is 548-0344. Account # AARON@UWAV1. Give it a try. It's probably worth the effort. NELSON, JOHN CARL -- Spec-4 Nelson will be discharged in December of 1989, but until then he must defend our shores from Cuban mercenaries and Pat Robertson. John may be reached at HHC 3-7 INF, Ft. Stewart GA, 31324. ENGSTROM, RON -- Having long since passed out of Foundation contact, Ron was last known to reside at 1283 38th ave, San Francisco CA, 94122, and his phone is (415) 753-1473. Any expedition south of Grants Pass is obliged to embarrass Herr Engstrom. POHL, CARROL -- Having returned to the PNW, Carrol has set up shop in MacMahon Hall at the U of Dub. Lest she improve her GPA, Foundation personnel are directed to hurl any spare frivolity Ms. Pohl's way. Abductors should go to 1165 MacMahon Hall GO-10, University of Wash- ington, Seattle WA, 98195. Her phone is 548-9057, account # CARROL@UWAV1. ENGRAV, PETER -- Peter turned down Heidelburg University for the excit- ing experience offered at the University of Washington. Make him reg- ret his decision by writing him at 875 MacMahon Holl GO-10, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195. His phone number is 632-4807, account # SIMON@UWAV1. RAFN, MARK -- Mark is enduring his final term at Wawoozi. He intends to attend TESC in the Winter of 1989, but until then he's open. Too bad there aren't enough movies to rent. Final assaults on Mark's GPA should be sent to 426 Stimson Hall, Pullman WA, 99163. If he's not using his modem, one may awaken Mark at (509) 335-3414. Account # 26413863@WSUVM1. DOW, GORDON -- Still reeling from the prospects of an Ivy League future, Gordy must complete his tenure at BHS. Banditos may find Gordy (and, eventually, the Clyde Hill police) at 9620 NE 31st, Belle- vue WA, 98004. Wee-hour phone calls are directed to 454-2792. SEELYE, STUART -- Stubisan has left the Little People behind and is currently lodging in the Mercer Morgue. Apparently, he intends to take intensive Chinese during Summer Quarter and visit China in Septem- ber. Then he wants to go to Berkely. I GOTTA find out what this boy's been smokin'. Chinese pooper-scoopers may be be sent to Mercer 0329-1, University of Washington, HM-10, Seattle WA 98105. His phone is 548-0615, account # STUART@UWAV1. DAAR, AARON -- Daarbo still haunts the TR down at TESC, and every once in a while he jumps out and frightens someone. Sheri says to ignore him. Inquiries may be sent to 3138 Overhulse NW, Apt. 146, Olympia WA, 98502. His carrier may be found at 866-9581. SORENSEN, LENA -- It would appear that Lena is going to graduate from BCC this Spring. Congratulations may be sent to 10246 NE 21st Place, Bellevue WA, 98004, and her phone number is 454-9279, account # INNSBRUCK@UWAV1. COOPER, PETER -- Peter remains at TESC, defying the real world to invade his consciousness. He available for F&E, as well. Peter's domus is located at 3138 Overhulse NW Apt. 130, Olympia WA, 98502. For a giggle give his answering machine a call at 866-8024. THORN, BOB -- Since we last CONFRONT-ed, Bob made the momentous move down the hall to a three-person studio. It isn't any easier to keep clean, apparently. Suggestions on how to futher pervert Bob's sleep and dietary rhythyms should be sent to 850 Lander Hall, 1101 NE Campus Parkway, Seattle WA, 98105. Bob's phone number is 547-8617, account # KIKI@UWAV1. CLAGG, STEVE -- Steve is still rattling around his flat, alternately chasing his cat and indulging in raw creative expression. In theory, he also goes to school. To found out how all this works, drop by 4101 Roosevelt, Apt. 3, Seattle WA 98105. Steve's phone number is 547-6990, account # STEPHAN@UWAV1. TOZER, TIM -- The Evil Doctor Tozer is still babbling incoherently in Woodridge while trying to discover the meaning of life, or at least get some food. Wake him up with a letter sent to 12736 SE 25th, Belle- vue WA, 98005. Tim's phone number is 747-1416, account # TIM@UWAV1. BRUCE, KEVIN -- Kevin is still at Columbus A&D, although from the pict- ure he sent us, we may now have reason to believe that there might be an imposter out there. Any Foundation personnel in Ohio should check up on "Kevin." He may be found at Columbus College of Art & Design, 95 N 9th st. Room 105, Columbus OH, 43512, and his phone is (64) 225-9430. Head For The Hills Now that Spring is here, one can sense a certain anticipation upon the wind. No, it's not testosterone and it's not Cadbury's Creme Eggs. That's right, vacation plans are being laid, and woe be to the Bandito stuck shelving books at the Bellevue Public Library. Brent's headed for the Alps, Stu's defecting to the PRC, and Steve and Brian are invading England. For those of you without access to Fullbright scholarships, a little local skullduggery goes a long way towards human satisfaction. As of yet, the only Foundation expedtion in the works is a return to Orcas Island's Moran State Park, although this may be modified to take advantage of the Foundation's small flotilla of recreational vessels. There are other, short-term diversions for the summer, such as harrassing Ranger Hinshaw as she strives to pro- tect the integrity of King County's parks. As this missive goes to print, Banditos all over the PNW are preparing to engage in Full-Blown Treason at Norwescon. And, of course, the summer would not be com- plete without the return of the Foundation to Dragonflight, with our very own Tim Tozer as Role-Playing Events Coordinator. The really adventurous can try to find Bob someplace to stay (other than Cincin- nati) this summer. This is obviously yet another example of some- thing. Those Rascal Taoists An ancient Chines folktale tells of a man whose horse ray away. "What misfortune," said his friends. "May be," said the main. A few days later the horse returned with another, even stronger, horse. "What a blessing," exclaimed the friends. "May be," replied the man. The next day his son tried to ride the wild horse but fell off and broke his leg. "What a disaster," cried the friends. "May be," answ- ered the man. A week later all the young men except the son with the broken leg were taken away to fight in a brutal war. "How wonderfully everything has turned out," marvelled the friends. "May be," said the man. Ad Majorem Mei Gloriam Your turgid scribe is still attending Seattle University, and I will be there for Summer and Fall Quarters. However, it would seem that I am restless with this role in the educational aristocracy, and a shift in Weltanschauung is likely. What form this rendezvous with destiny will take I am uncertain, but mid-life crises during college tend to produce drastic results. There ARE two constants: I am rather certain that I shall not imbibe alcohol nor shall I enlist in the armed forces. If either of these events occur, all Foundation personnel are hereby requested in advance to interfere on my behalf. Further details may be obtained from me at 2704 164th ave NE, Bellevue WA, 98008. My sister's phone number is 883-4225, and my BitNet add- ress is SCHARF@UWAV1. Proceed at your own risk. Consummatum est. If the Good Lord had intended us to floss our teeth, He would have given us less self-respect. -- Dave Barry |
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