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Vol. 1, No. 1 CONFRONTATION The Journal of the Trompler Foundation Chapel Perilous Welcome to the first (and, if there is a merciful God, the last) issue of CONFRONTATION, the Trompler Foundations's avante-garde electronic entropy happening. This is a kind-hearted attempt to provide Our agents abroad with all the latest poop on What Is Happening in the Land of Reversible Cups and Sanitary Pedastals, as well as provide a good chuckle for those who had the good sense to stay put. What is that? You say that there are other places worthy of attention than the Pacific Northwest? We'll have to take this up withe She Who Walks With Entropy. Anyhoo, this newsletter is completely the result of divine inspir- ation (Whlllwhllwhlll!!!), and as such will not be produced on any regular schedule. At all. The staff of CONFRONTATION (The Evil Doctor and I) feel that this is in keeping with the spirit of Discord (Read: we are lazy bastards). So there's no telling when (or if) the next issue will find you. Until then, remember the words of Kiki Revok: "Operate on my brain, please!" Veni Vidi Vici It was said that of those who went it was A Good Time. Of course this was Games Northwest '87, the annual gathering of those who would be Insaniacs. To be more precise, Games Northwest was bitchin'. Geoff Leatham (C.O.C. Grand Master) was of course doing his bit in the role-playing dept., as was The Cloud City Innovative Gamers (Colleen and Larry Goodhind, Tom Graham, and Dale Curtis) were in full force for the aforementioned Good Time. First time block looked for two Foundation personnel in Civilization while the rest of us checked in. Second time block found Taking Care by Mr. Leatham (C.O.C.) in which most of us participated, except for those who were being Civilized in the first time block, because they continued to be so. Saturn's Day and the third time block was Illuminated for one while the rest recovered as best they could. I did was not able to be either way because I was securing. Fourth time block and lunch saw mostly informal gaming and the Illuminized one Diplomacized. Fifthly, The Dallas Conspiracy (Toon) and New Hampshire Interlude (C.O.C.) divided our forces for some serious real to life good wholesome role-playing. Unfortunately, the mood went to our heads and number six with Return on the Mauritainia (C.O.C. yet again) was a light-hearted attempt at role-playing. Somehow we managed to win. Sunday was the close of the Con and informal gaming ruled the day and we went home and slept. We hadn't done this before then. The only thing we had to show for this weekend was a new copy of UBI. Next year: BFD. Hunted (14-) Some of you have taken it upon yourselves to leave the realm of mortal men and are therefore difficult to contact. We at CONFRONT- ATION have decided to provide as many addresses and phone numbers as possible, so as to better facilitate inter-bandito communication. Who knows? We might start a revolution (I like to think of these things at night). Bob Thorn, a.k.a. Kiki Revok, a.k.a. Lazlo Holyfeld, a.k.a. Boober Fraggle: Bob will be moving into the UW dorms on Sept. 24. His address there will be 865 Lander Hall, 1101 NE Campus Parkway, Seattle WA, 98105. His phone has yet to be connected. Stuart Seelye, a.k.a. Stuuuuuu: Stu moved into a house in Wallingford, where he will stay indefinitely. The phone number is 633- 5747, and the address is 3917 Bagley avve N., Seattle WA, 98103. Steve Clagg, a.k.a. Slagg, a.k.a. Sliver Clogg: Steve also moved into a Lovecraftian house in the U-District. he can be reached (if you REALLY want to) at 547-6990, and the address is 4101 Roosevelt, Apt. 3, Seattle WA 98105. Sheri Hinshaw, a.k.a. Lysistrata: Sheri will be moving into the TESC dorms in the vicinity of Sept. 18. While she will not have a phone for a while, you may harass her by post at the following address: The Evergreen State College, Building C, Room 304 B, Olympia WA 98505 Mark "I bet you think I'm standing up." Rafn, a.k.a. Tigger: Mark has been sentenced to another year at WSU. His phone number is (509) 335- 3414, and the address is 426 Stimson Hall, Pullman WA, 99163. Aaron Finkelstein, a.k.a. John Ankatyl Brewer Swain: Aaron is representing the Foundation on the East Coast by infiltrating the ivy- crusted den of intelligentsia known as St. John's. All Foundation members are directed to make Aaron's stay in Maryland a harrowing one. His phone number is (301) 263-2371, and his address is St. John's College, PO Box 1671, Annapolis MD, 21404. Peggy "I'm not a duck!" Hammond: Peggy is up for another term at TESC, and no, she's not frequenting the nude beaches. She can be hunted down and frightened at this address: The Evergreen State College, Building F, Room 206, Olympia WA 98505. Her phone has yet yet to be connected. PFC John Carl Nelson, a.k.a. Cold Steel, a.k.a. Dr. Columbia: Ol' John is spending his last months in Fulda, BRD, protecting our precious bodily fluids from the Angry Pink Menace. You can reach our stalwart guardian at C Troop 1/11 ACR, APO New York, 09146-0775. Peter Cooper, a.k.a. Immeressen: Petey is also hangin' out at TESC, desperately avoiding liberal brainwashing. Let him know you're pulling for him by dropping him a line at 3138 Overhulse NW, Apt. 130, Olympia WA 98502. His phone number is 866-8024. Ron Engstrom, a.k.a. Stranger: the first Foundation voyager, Ron escaped the suffocating grasp of his parent's tyranny (I'm gonna be a big-time writer just like Ron) last summer. You can remind him of his ugly past by writing him at 1283 38th ave, San Francisco CA, 94122, or you can phreak to him at (415) 753-1473). Kevin Bruce, a.k.a. Porthole: Remeber him? He's off to the Midwest to make his fortune int he fast-paced world of modern art, and can be reached at Columbus College of Art & Design, 95 N 9th st, Room 105, Columbus OH, 43512, and his phone is (614) 225-9430. Brent Krupp, a.k.a. Young Master Eddie: our little Happy Camper is now residing with some prestigious fraternity in upstate New York. Give him an anxiety attack with a cryptic letter addressed thusly: Room 328 Ricketrs E, Russell Sage College, Troy NE, 12180. His phone number is (518) 273-1344. Anne Marshall, a.k.a. Phlodnar, a.k.a. Bubbles: the sole survivor of Our expedition to Philadelphia, Ms. Marshall is still attending Bryn Mawr College. Prevent her becoming a nun and write to Bryn Mawr College, C-170, Bryn Mawr PA, 19010. Her phone number is (215) 645- 5048. Caroll Pohl, a.k.a. Perky the Demon Princess: Fraulein Pohl has returned to the PNW to pursue a more affordable academic career. She is moving into the UW dorms, and can be reached at 1165 McMahon Hall GO-10, Univerity of Washington, Seattle WA, 98195, and her phone has yet to be connected. Lena Sorensen, a.k.a. Innsbruck: Lena is up for her third year at the University of Southern Crossroads. She can be reached at 10246 NE 21st Place, Bellevue WA, 98004, and her phone number is 454-9279. Gordon Xerxes Dow, a.k.a. Lepton: Gordy is still languishing in the finest example of our public education system, BHS. Send letters of condolence to 9620 NE 31st, Bellevue WA, 98004, and his phone number is 454-2792. Brian Murphy, a.k.a. Bubba, a.k.a. Murphenegger: Brian is also attend- ing BHS, and he welcomes any and all correspondence fron Foundation personnel. His address is 11065 SE Lake Rd, Bellevue WA, 98004, and his phone number is 453-5794. Aaron Daar, a.k.a. Daarbo: our little telecommunications pirate has found a den of inebriation in Olympia. Write him if you dare at 3138 Overhulse NW, Apt. 146, Olympia WA, 98502, and his phone number is 866- 9581. On the Event Horizon Spontaneous bandito vacations have been very popular this summer, and academic pressure this Fall is sure to provoke further excursions. This is also a warning to you within reach (and NEVER underestimate gamer determination); prepare to be invaded. Samhain falls on a Saturday this year, and an expedtion is tentatively planned. As for gaming projects, work continues on the Bavarian Fire Drill. The developers were inspired by this year's Games Northwest, and playtesters are warned to prepare for a quantum experience. Danger International remains the favorite system in which to dabble, as the sequel to The HOWDEE Papers enters the advanced planning stage. And the Troll Runequest campaign is threatening to come to a close. The Secret Chiefs Eric Scharf - Editor 2704 164th ave NE Bellevue, WA 98008 883-4225 Tim L. Tozer - Staff Bandito 12736 SE 25th st Bellevue, WA 98005 747-1416 Robert Thorn - Staff Noodge Oh Yeah. P.S. The Staff would like to thank the many informants that con- tributed to the HUNTED (14-) article. Donations to cover long- distance fees would be appreciated. Written contributions for hypo- thetical future issues are welcome. "You are not thinking. You are merely being logical." -- Neils Bohr to Einstein during their great debate on Quantum Mechanics |
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